Loving sisters...


💓💓Sisters are a blessing for everyone in this world. Many of us have sisters whom we love unconditionally. Some have elder sisters while others have younger sisters. I have two sisters. 

 Younger sister-:

 she is 10 years old. She is the youngest member of our family. Her name is Kavindi. Kavindi is a really cute girl and everyone loves her very much. I love her a lot. Her behavior and attitude are very fine. Her hobby is playing with dolls. She has a lot of dolls.She can understand so many things at that young age. 

Elder sister-:

She is 16 years old. She is in grade 12. Her name is Ginuki. She is very talented and intelligent girl.  She is very helpful and helps everyone. When I face any problem or depression, I tell her about the whole matter. Most of the time, she is  supporting and find a solution for me.

I love to spend time with them.Free time we are playing batminton.  They are sweet person. They can sing very well. I love my sisters. I pray for them. 

Thank you......


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