School Life...

πŸ’™ School life is one of the most memorable time in our life. I also had a wonderful school life.School is the best part of our life. I met good two friends in my O/L's . Sanduni and Nikeshi is the best friends in my school life. We were respectful and hardworking. 

The best memory from mt school life was the sharing of our lunches. We sit in a big circle in our lunch break and we put all our lunch boxes inside in the circle. 

Another memory from my school life was all of us playing silly games. We used to play truth and dare in the middle of the classroom. Sometimes our teacher also join with us.That was very funny game. 

Sometimes we were getting punished by our class teacher because we don't do our homeworksπŸ˜‘. Teacher was punished all of us. Friends birthdays celebrations,  school trips was memories in school life. 

In A/L period I met many friends. Salini and Vinudi is the best friends of my A/L's. They were very friendly. Our class teacher also kind.πŸ’• 

I spend my school life very happy and enjoyable . I have many loving memories in my school life. 

End of the day in my school life........

Thank you.....




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